Bug Hotels for sale
Sherwood Men’s Shed - Items for sale
Bug hotels for sale - garden items. These Bug Hotels are suitable for hanging in your garden to provide a safe place for bugs to live. The bug hotels are made from recycled materials.

Bird Nesting Boxes for sale
Sherwood Men’s Shed - Items for sale
Bird Nesting Boxes for sale - garden items. These Bird Nesting Boxes are suitable for hanging in your garden to provide a safe place for birds. The Bird Nesting Boxes are made from recycled materials and be made in different sizes.

Serving Boards for sale
Sherwood Men’s Shed - Items for sale
Chopping and Serving Boards for sale - kitchen items. These serving and chopping boards are made from recycled oak shelving recovered from Tunbridge Wells Library as part of the Amelia Scott development.

Chopping Boards for sale
Sherwood Men’s Shed - Items for sale
Chopping Boards for sale - kitchen items. These chopping boards are made from recycled oak shelving recovered from Tunbridge Wells Library as part of the Amelia Scott development.